Abbreviations, and publication sites of journals:
AA : American Anthropologist (Washington)
AF : Anthropological Forum (Nedlands, Western Australia)
AL : Anthropological Linguistics (Bloomington, Indiana)
AP : Asian Perspectives (Honolulu)
AU : Afrika und Übersee (Hamburg)
Anthropos (St. Augustin, West Germany)
Archipel (Paris)
BKI: Bijdragen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde (Leiden, Netherlands)
BRB: Borneo Research Bulletin (Williamsburg, Virginia)
BIPPA : Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (Canberra; Seattle)
BSOAS : Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London)
CA : Current Anthropology (Chicago)
DB : Dewan Bahasa (Kuala Lumpur)
Diachronica (Ottawa)
Evolutionary Bioinformatics (Auckland)
Human Biology (Detroit)
JCL: Journal of Chinese Linguistics (Berkeley)
JHL : Journal of Historical Linguistics (Amsterdam/Philadelphia)
JPS : Journal of the Polynesian Society (Wellington)
JSEAS: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore)
JWP: Journal of World Prehistory (Columbus, Ohio)
Lg.: Language (Baltimore)
Language and Linguistics (Taipei)
Lexicographica (Berlin)
Lingua (Amsterdam)
LLC : Language and Linguistics Compass (Wiley Online Library)
MT : Mother Tongue (Glouster, Massachusetts)
NUSA (Jakarta: Atma Jaya University)
Oceania (Sydney)
OL: Oceanic Linguistics (Honolulu)
PIL: Papers in Linguistics (Edmonton, Alberta)
PJL: Philippine Journal of Linguistics (Manila)
PL: Pacific Linguistics (Canberra: Department of Linguistics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University).
Phonology (Cambridge, England)
SMJ : Sarawak Museum Journal (Kuching)
Studies in Philippine languages and cultures (Manila)
TAPS: Transactions, American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia)
VKI: Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor taal-, land- en volkenkunde (Leiden)
WA World Archaeology (London)
WPL: Working Papers in Linguistics, U. Hawaii (Honolulu)
1969 Some new Proto-Austronesian trisyllables. OL 8: 85-104.
1970 A further note on marked order in consonant clusters. WPL 2.2: 169-178.
1970 i and u in the Austronesian languages. WPL 2.6: 113-145.
1970 Proto-Austronesian addenda. OL 9: 104-162.
1971 A Tagalog consonant cluster conspiracy. PJL 2.2: 85-91.
1972 Proto-Oceanic addenda with cognates in non-Oceanic Austronesian languages: a preliminary list. WPL 4.1:1-43.
1972 Additions to “Proto-Austronesian addenda” and “Proto-Oceanic addenda with cognates in non-Oceanic Austronesian languages”. WPL 4.8: 1-17.
1972 Report on linguistic fieldwork undertaken in Sarawak. BRB 4.1: 12-14.
1972 Note on PAN *qa(R)(CtT)a “outsiders, alien people”. OL 11:166-171.
1973 Additions to “Proto-Austronesian addenda” and “Proto-Oceanic addenda with cognates in non-Oceanic Austronesian languages – II”. WPL 5.3: 33-61.
1973 The origins of Bintulu É“, É—. BSOAS 36: 603-620. Trans. by James T. Collins as “Asal-usul É“ dan É— dalam Bahasa Bintulu” in DB 28: 173-196 (March 1984).
1974 A Murik vocabulary, with a note on the linguistic position of Murik. SMJ 22.43(NS): 153-189.
1974 Proto-Austronesian syntax: the first step. OL 13: 1 -15.
1974 The Proto-Austronesian word for ‘two’: a second look. OL 13: 123-161.
1974 A double counter-universal in Kelabit. PIL 7.3-4: 309-324.
1974 Eastern Austronesian: a note. WPL 6.4: 101-107.
1976 Dempwolff's reduplicated monosyllables. OL 15: 107-130.
1976 Austronesian culture history: some linguistic inferences and their relations to the archaeological record. WA 8.1: 19-43. Reprinted with minor additions in NUSA 3: 25-37 (1977), and in Pieter van de Velde, ed., Prehistoric Indonesia: a reader: 217-241 (Dordrecht, Holland).
1976 A third palatal reflex in Polynesian languages. JPS 85: 339-358.
1977 The Proto-Austronesian pronouns and Austronesian subgrouping: a preliminary report. WPL 9.2: 1 -15.
1977 A rediscovered Austronesian comparative paradigm. OL 16: 1-51.
1977 Sketches of the morphology and phonology of Bornean languages 1: Uma Juman (Kayan). Papers in Bornean and Western Austronesian Languages, No. 2. PL A33: 7-122.
1978 Eastern Malayo-Polynesian: a subgrouping argument. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL C-61, Fascicle 1): 181-234.
1979 Coronal-noncoronal consonant clusters: new evidence for markedness. Lingua 47: 101-117.
1979 Proto-Western Malayo-Polynesian vocatives. BKI 135: 205-251.
1980 Iban antonymy: a case from diachrony? In D.J. van Alkemade, et al., eds., Linguistic studies offered to Berthe Siertsema: 35-47. Amsterdam, Rodopi.
1980 More on the origins of glottalic consonants. Lingua 52: 125-156.
1980 Austronesian etymologies. OL 19: 1 -181.
1980 Early Austronesian social organization: the evidence of language. CA 21: 205-247 (with comments and reply).
1980 Notes on Proto-Malayo-Polynesian phratry dualism. BKI 136: 215-247.1981 The Soboyo reflexes of Proto-Austronesian *S. In Robert A. Blust, ed., Historical Linguistics in Indonesia: 21-30. NUSA, Vol. 10.
1981 Some remarks on labiovelar correspondences in Oceanic languages. In Jim Hollyman and Andrew Pawley, eds, Studies in Pacific languages and cultures in honour of Bruce Biggs: 229-253. Auckland, Linguistic Society of New Zealand.
1981 Dual divisions in Oceania: innovation or retention? Oceania 52.1: 66-80.
1981 Linguistic evidence for some early Austronesian taboos. AA 83.2: 285-319.
1982 The Proto-Austronesian word for “female”. In Rainer Carle et al., eds., Gava‘: studies in Austronesian languages and cultures dedicated to Hans Kähler: 17-30. Berlin, Reimer.
1982 The linguistic value of the Wallace Line. BKI 138: 231-250.
1982 An overlooked feature of Malay historical phonology. BSOAS 45: 284-299. Trans. by James T. Collins as “Satu Ciri Fonologi Sejarah Bahasa Melayu yang Diabaikan” in DB 26.3: 152-175 (March 1982).
1983 A note on hypercorrection in Mongondow. BKI 139: 459-464.
1983/84 More on the position of the languages of eastern Indonesia. OL 22-23: 1-28.
1983/84 Austronesian etymologies - II. OL 22-23: 29-149.
1984 Malaita-Micronesian: an Eastern Oceanic subgroup?. JPS 93: 99-140.
1984 Indonesia as a “Field of Linguistic Study”. In P.E. de Josselin de Jong, ed. Unity in diversity:Indonesia as a field of anthropological study: 21-37. VKI 103. Dordrecht, Holland, Foris Publications.
1984 On the history of the Rejang vowels and diphthongs. BKI 140: 422-450.
1984 The Tring dialect of Long Terawan. SMJ 33.54 (NS): 101-135.
1984 A Mussau vocabulary, with phonological notes. Papers in New Guinea Linguistics, No. 23. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL A-69): 159-208.
1984/85 The Austronesian homeland: a linguistic perspective. AP 26.1: 45-67.
1986 Austronesian etymologies - III. OL 25: 1-123.
1986/87 Language and culture history: two case studies. AP 27: 205-227.
1987 Rennell-Bellona l and the “Hiti” substratum. In Donald C. Laycock and Werner Winter, eds., A world of language: Papers presented to Professor S.A. Wurm on his 65th birthday: 69-79. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL C-100).
1987 The linguistic study of Indonesia. Archipel 34: 27-47.
1987 Lexical reconstruction and semantic reconstruction: the case of Austronesian “house” words. Diachronica 4: 79-106.
1988 Beyond the morpheme: Austronesian root theory and related matters. In Richard McGinn, ed., Studies in Austronesian linguistics: 3-90. Ohio University Center for International Studies, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Monographs in International Studies, Southeast Asia series, No. 76. Athens, Ohio.
1988 Sketches of the morphology and phonology of Bornean languages, 2:
Mukah Melanau. In H. Steinhauer, ed., Papers in Western Austronesian Linguistics, No. 3: 151-216. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL A-78).
1988 Dempwolff's contributions to Austronesian linguistics. AU 71.2: 90-96.
1988 Malay historical linguistics: a progress report. In Mohd. Thani Ahmad and Zaini Mohamed Zain, eds., Rekonstruksi dan cabang-cabang bahasa
Melayu induk: 1 -33. Seri Monograf Sejarah Bahasa Melayu. Kuala
Lumpur, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.
1989 Austronesian etymologies -- IV. OL 28: 111-180.
1989 The adhesive locative in Austronesian languages. OL 28: 197-203.
1989 A note on semantic cycles in historical change. Diachronica 6: 297-300.
1990 Patterns of sound change in the Austronesian languages. In Philip Baldi, ed., Linguistic change and reconstruction methodology: 231-267. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.
1990 Summary report: Linguistic change and reconstruction methodology in the Austronesian language family. In Philip Baldi, ed., Linguistic change and reconstruction methodology: 133-153. Trends in Linguistics Studies and Monographs 45. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter.
1990 Three recurrent changes in Oceanic languages. In J.H.C.S. Davidson, ed., Pacific Island Languages: Essays in Honour of G.B.Milner: 7-28. London: School of Oriental and African Studies.
1991 Sound change and migration distance. In Robert Blust, ed., Currents in Pacific linguistics: Papers on Austronesian languages and ethnolinguistics in honour of George W. Grace: 27-42. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL C-117).
1991 The Greater Central Philippines hypothesis. OL 30.2: 73-129.
1991 On the limits of the “thunder complex” in Australasia. Anthropos 86.4/6: 517-528.
1992 On speech strata in Tiruray. In Malcolm D. Ross, ed., Papers in Austronesian Linguistics, No. 2: 1 -52. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL A-82).
1992 The long consonants of Long Terawan. BKI 148: 409-427.
1992 Tumbaga in Southeast Asia and South America. Anthropos 87: 443-457.
1993 *S metathesis and the Formosan/Malayo-Polynesian language boundary. In Øyvind Dahl, ed., Language --- a doorway between human cultures: Tributes to Dr. Otto Chr. Dahl on his ninetieth birthday: 178-183. Oslo: Novus.
1993 Kelabit-English vocabulary. SMJ 44.65 (NS): 141-226.
1993 Central and Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian. OL 32(2): 241-293.
1993 Austronesian sibling terms and culture history. BKI 149: 22-76. (Also published in A.K. Pawley and M.D. Ross, eds., Austronesian terminologies: continuity and change: 31-72. Pacific Linguistics C127, 1994).
1994 Obstruent epenthesis and the unity of phonological features. Lingua 93: 111-139.
1994 The Austronesian settlement of mainland Southeast Asia. In Karen L. Adams and Thomas John Hudak, eds., Papers from the Second Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society: 25-83. Tempe: Program for Southeast Asian Studies, Arizona State University.
1995 Notes on Berawan consonant gemination. OL 34: 123-138.
1995 The position of the Formosan languages: method and theory in Austronesian comparative linguistics. In Paul J-K Li et al., eds., Austronesian studies relating to Taiwan: 585-650. Symposium Series of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, No. 3. Taipei.
1995 An Austronesianist looks at Sino-Austronesian. In William S-Y Wang, ed., The ancestry of the Chinese language: 283-298. JCL Monograph Series, 8.
1995 Sibilant assimilation in Formosan languages and the Proto-Austronesian word for “nine”: a discourse on method. OL 34: 443-453.
1995 Austronesian Languages. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia. Copyright 1995 Microsoft Corporation. 12 pp. (electronic version only).
1995 The prehistory of the Austronesian-speaking peoples: a view from language. JWP 9.4: 453-510.
1996 The Neogrammarian hypothesis and pandemic irregularity. In Mark Durie and M.D. Ross, eds., The Comparative Method reviewed: Regularity and irregularity inlanguage change: 135-156. New York, Oxford University Press.
1996 Low vowel dissimilation in Ere. OL 35: 96-112.
1996 Notes on the semantics of PAN *-an ‘locative’. In Marian Klamer, ed., Voice in Austronesian. NUSA: Linguistic Studies of Indonesian and Languages in Indonesia 39: 1 -11. Jakarta.
1996 Some remarks on the linguistic position of Thao. OL 35: 272-294.
1996 Low vowel dissimilation in Oceanic languages: an addendum. OL 35: 305-309.
1996 The linguistic position of the Western Islands, Papua New Guinea. In John Lynch and Fa’afo Pat, eds., Oceanic studies: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics: 1-46. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL C-133).
1996 Austronesian culture history: the window of language. In Ward H. Goodenough, ed., Prehistoric settlement of the Pacific. TAPS 86.5: 28-35. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society.
1996 Beyond the Austronesian homeland: the Austric hypothesis and its implications for archaeology. In Ward H. Goodenough, ed., Prehistoric settlement of the Pacific. TAPS 86.5: 117-140. Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society.
1997 Ablaut in Northwest Borneo. Diachronica 14: 1-30.
1997 Semantic change and the conceptualization of spatial relationships in Austronesian languages. In Gunther Senft, ed., Referring to space: Studies in Austronesian and Papuan languages: 39-51. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
1997 Nasals and nasalization in Borneo. OL 36: 149-179.
1997 Rukai stress revisited. OL 36: 398-403.
1998 A Lou vocabulary with phonological notes. In Darrell Tryon, ed. Papers in Austronesian Linguistics, No. 5: 35-99. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL A-92).
1998 The position of the languages of Sabah. In Ma. Lourdes S. Bautista, ed., Pagtanáw: Essays on language in honor of Teodoro A. Llamzon: 29-52. Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines.
1998 Ca- reduplication and Proto-Austronesian grammar. OL 37: 29-64.
1998 Squib: A note on higher-order subgroups in Oceanic. OL 37: 182-188.
1998 Austronesian languages. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition: 736-745.
1998 Various small pieces. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th Edition.
1998 Some problems in Thao phonology. In Shuanfan Huang, ed., Selected Papers from the Second International Symposium on Languages in Taiwan (ISOLIT): 1 -20. Taipei: Crane.
1998 Seimat vowel nasality: a typological anomaly. OL 37.2: 298-322.
1998 In defense of Dempwolff: Austronesian diphthongs once again. OL 37.2: 354-362.
1998 A note on the Thao patient focus perfective. OL 37.2: 346-353.
1999 Subgrouping, circularity and extinction: some issues in Austronesian comparative linguistics. In Elizabeth Zeitoun and Paul Jen-kuei Li, eds., Selected Papers from the Eighth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics: 31-94. Symposium Series of the Institute of Linguistics (Preparatory Office), Academia Sinica, No. 1. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
1999 A note on covert structure: Ca- reduplication in Amis. OL 38: 168-174.
1999 Notes on Pazeh phonology and morphology. Oceanic Linguistics 38:321-365.
1999 Linguistics vs. archaeology: early Austronesian terms for metals. In Roger Blench and Matthew Spriggs, eds., Archaeology and Language III: Artefacts, languages and texts: 127-143. London and New York: Routledge.
1999 The fox's wedding. Anthropos 94: 487-499.
2000 Chamorro historical phonology. OL 39: 83-122.
2000 Why lexicostatistics doesn’t work: the ‘universal constant’ hypothesis and the Austronesian languages. In Colin Renfrew, April McMahon and Larry Trask, eds. Time depth in historical
2000 Low vowel fronting in northern Sarawak. OL 39: 285-319.
2000 The origin of dragons. Anthropos 95: 519-536.
2000 Rat ears, tree ears, ghost ears and thunder ears in Austronesian languages. BKI 156: 687-706.
2001 Historical morphology and the spirit world: the *qali/kali- prefixes in Austronesian languages. In Joel Bradshaw and Kenneth L. Rehg, eds, Issues in Austronesian morphology: a focusschrift for Byron W. Bender:15-73.
2001 The Comparative Method applied to Austronesian languages. In Sylvain Auroux, et al, eds, History of the Language Sciences: 1374-1383. Berlin, Walter de Gruyter.
2001 Some remarks on stress, syncope and gemination in Mussau. OL 40: 143-150.
2001 Malayo-Polynesian: New stones in the wall. OL 40: 151-155.
2001 Language, dialect and riotous sound change: the case of Sa’ban. In Graham W. Thurgood, ed., Papers from the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society, 1999: 249-359. Tempe: Arizona State University, Program for Southeast Asian Studies.
2001 Reduplicated color terms in Oceanic languages. In Andrew Pawley, Malcolm Ross and Darrell Tryon, eds., The boy from Bundaberg: Studies in Melanesian linguistics in honour of Tom Dutton: 23-49. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL 514).
2001 Thao triplication. OL 40: 324-335.
2002 Notes on the history of “focus” in Austronesian languages. In Fay Wouk and Malcolm Ross, eds, The history and typology of Western Austronesian voice systems: 63-78. PL 518.
2002 The history of of sab terms in Austronesian languages. OL 41: 89-139.
2002 Kiput historical phonology. OL 41: 364-418.
2002 Formalism or phoneyism?: the history of Kayan final glottal stop. In Adelaar and Blust: 29-37.
2003 The phonestheme Å‹- in Austronesian languages. OL 42: 187-212.
2003 A note on monosyllabic roots in Kavalan. OL 42: 239-243.
2003 Three notes on early Austronesian morphology. OL 42: 438-478.
2003 Vowelless words in Selau. In John Lynch, ed., Issues in Austronesian historical phonology: 143-152. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL 550).
2004 Austronesian nasal substitution: a survey. OL 43: 73-148.
2004 *t to k: an Austronesian sound change revisited. OL 43: 365-410.
2005 A note on the history of genitive marking in Austronesian languages. OL 44: 215-222.
2005 Must sound change be linguistically motivated? Diachronica 22: 219-269.
2005 Liver and lungs: a semantic dyad in Austronesian languages. OL 44: 537-543.
132. 2005 The linguistic macrohistory of the Philippines: some speculations. In Hsiu-chuan Liao and Carl R. Galvez Rubino, eds., Current issues in Philippine linguistics and anthropology parangal kay Lawrence A. Reid: 31-68. Manila:The Linguistic Society of the Philippines and SIL Philippines.
2005 Borneo and iron: Dempwolff’s *besi revisited. BIPPA 25 :31-40.
2006 Whence the Malays? In James T. Collins and Awang Sariyan, eds., Borneo and the homeland of the Malays: four essays: 64-88. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa.
2006 Anomalous liquid : sibilant correspondences in western Austronesian. OL 45: 210-216.
136. 2006 Supertemplatic reduplication and beyond. In Henry Y. Chang, Lillian M. Huang, and Dah-an Ho, eds., Streams converging into an ocean: festschrift in honor of Professor Paul Jen-kuei Li on his 70th birthday: 439-460. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica.
2006 The origin of the Kelabit voiced aspirates: a historical hypothesis revisited. OL 45: 311-338.
2007. Disyllabic attractors and anti-antigemination in Austronesian sound change. Phonology 24:1-36.
2007 The prenasalized trills of Manus. In Jeff Siegel, John Lynch and Diana Eades, eds., Language description, history and development: Linguistic indulgence in memory of Terry Crowley: 297-311. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2007 Òma Lóngh historical phonology. OL 46: 1-53.
2007 The linguistic position of Sama-Bajaw. Studies in Philippine languages and cultures 15: 73-114.
2007 Proto-Oceanic *mana revisited. OL 46: 404-423.
2008 Is there a Bima-Sumba subgroup? OL 47: 46-114.
2008 Greenhill, Simon J., Robert Blust and Russell D. Gray. The Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database: from bioinformatics to lexomics. Evolutionary Bioinformatics: 271-283.
2008 A reanalysis of Wuvulu phonology. OL 47: 275-293.
2008 Remote Melanesia: one history or two? An addendum to Donohue and Denham. OL 47: 445-459.
2009 The position of the languages of eastern Indonesia: a reply to Donohue and Grimes. OL 48: 36-77.
2009 The historical value of single words. In Bethwyn Evans, ed., Discovering history through language. Papers in honour of Malcolm Ross: 61-71. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL 605).
2009 Palauan historical phonology: whence the intrusive velar nasal? OL 48: 307-336.
2009 In Memoriam, Isidore Dyen, 1913-2008. OL 48: 488-508.
2010 Historical reconstruction. In Patrick Colm Hogan, ed., Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the language sciences: 362-364. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2010 Lexicography on the internet --- Austronesian language sources. Lexicographica 26: 199-201.
2010 On datus, ancient and modern. In Loren Billings and Nelleke Goudswaard, eds., Piakandatu ami Dr. Howard P. McKaughan: 36-51. Manila: Linguistic Society of the Philippines and SIL Philippines.
2010 The Greater North Borneo hypothesis. OL 49: 44-118.
2010 Five patterns of semantic change in Austronesian languages. In John Bowden, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann and Malcolm Ross, eds., A journey through Austronesian and Papuan linguistic and cultural space: papers in honour of Andrew K. Pawley: 525-546. Canberra: Pacific Linguistics (PL 615).
2010 Malaita-Micronesian once again. OL 49: 549-557.
2011 Austronesian: A sleeping giant? Language and Linguistics Compass 5.8: 538-550.
2011 The problem of doubleting in Austronesian languages. OL 50: 399-457.
2011 Comment on Holman, et al. Automated Dating of the World’s Language Families Based on Lexical Similarity. Current Anthropology 52.6: 864-865.
2011 ‘Eye of the day’: a response to Urban (2010). OL 50: 524-535.
2012 One mark per word? Patterns of dissimilation in Austronesian and Australian languages. Phonology 29.3: 355-381.
2012 Primary split revisited. Diachronica 29.1: 129-137.
2012 The marsupials strike back: a reply to Schapper (2011). OL 51: 261-277.
2012 Hawu vowel metathesis. OL 51: 207-233.
2012 The Proto-Malayo-Polynesian multiplicative ligature *Å‹a: a reply to Reid. OL 51: 542-570.
2012 Brandstetter as systematizer: putting together the pieces of the Austronesian language puzzle. In Robert Blust and Jürg Schneider, eds., A world of words: revisiting the work of Renward Brandstetter (1860-1942) on Lucerne and Austronesia: 67-83. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
2013 Linguistic clues to migration in the Austronesian world. In I. Ness and P. Bellwood, eds., The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration, Volume, 1 (Prehistory): 276-283. Malden, MA and Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
2013 Terror from the sky: unconventional linguistic clues to the Negrito past. In Phillip Endicott, ed., Revisiting the ‘Negrito’ Hypothesis, an Inter-disciplinary Synthesis of the Prehistory of Southeast Asia. Human Biology 85.1: 401-416 [special issue].
2013 Formosan evidence for Early Austronesian knowledge of iron. OL 52: 255-264.
2013 Robert Blust and Stephen Trussel. Research Note: The Austronesian comparative dictionary: a work in progress. OL 52:493-523.
2014. Austronesian. In Rochelle Lieber and Pavel Stekauer, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Derivation: 545-557. Oxford University Press.
2014 Dobel historical phonology. OL 53: 37-60.
2014 Some recent proposals concerning the classification of the Austronesian languages. OL 53: 300-391.
2015 The case markers of Proto-Austronesian. OL 54: 443-498.
2015 Longhouses and nomadism: is there a connection? BRB 46:194-220.
2015 Southeast Asian islands and Oceania: Austronesian linguistic history. In Peter Bellwood, ed., The global prehistory of human migration:276-283. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
2016 The Liangdao skeleton and the dangers of overinterpretation. JCL: 44.1:242-252.
2016. Kelabit-Lun Dayeh phonology, with special reference to the voiced aspirates. OL 55:246-277.
2016. Avoidance of dissimilar labial onsets: the case of Subanon. OL 55:620- 633 (with Elizabeth Nielsen).
2017. The Lowland Kenyah posterior implosives: a typological reversal. Language and Linguistics 18.2:177-200.
2017. Historical linguistics and archaeology: an uneasy alliance. In Philip J. Piper, Hirofumi Matsumura and David Bulbeck, eds., New perspectives in Southeast Asian and Pacific prehistory (Terra Australis 45):275-291. Canberra: Australian National University.
2017. The linguistic history of Austronesian-speaking communities in Island Southeast Asia. In Peter Bellwood, First islanders: Prehistory and human migration in island Southeast Asia:190-197. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell.
2017. Odd conditions: context-sensitive sound changes in unexpected contexts. Journal of Historical Linguistics. Ms. 42pp.
2017. The challenge of semantic reconstruction: Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *suku ‘lineage; quarter?’. OL:247-256.
2017 (with Victoria Chen). The pitfalls of negative evidence: Nuclear Austronesian, Ergative Austronesian and their progeny. Language and Linguistics 18.4:579-623.
2017. Regular metathesis in Batanic (northern Philippines)? OL 56.2:491-504.
2017. History of the Austronesian languages. In Hiroko Sato and Joel Bradshaw, eds., Languages of the Pacific Islands: Introductory readings, revised and expanded edition:7-16. Amazon: CreateSpace.
2018. Historical linguistics in the raw: my life as a diachronic fieldworker. In Hannah Sarvasy and Diana Forker, eds. Word Hunters. Field linguists on fieldwork:29-42. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
2018. The ‘mystery aspirates’ in Philippine languages. OL 57:221-247.
2018. The challenge of semantic reconstruction 2: Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *kamaliR ‘men’s house’. OL 57:335-358.
2018. Two birds with one stone: the aerodynamic voicing constraint and the languages of Borneo. JSEALS 11.2:1-18.
2019. Why dragons are bisexual: a defense of Naturalism. Anthropos 114:169-180.
2019. The Austronesian homeland and dispersal. Annual Review of Linguistics 5:417-434.
2019. The resurrection of Proto-Philippines. OL 58:153-256.
2020. More odd conditions? Voiced obstruents as triggers and suppressors in Miri, Sarawak. Phonology 37:1-26.
2020. Response to comments on “The resurrection of Proto-Philippines”. OL 59.1-2:450-479.
2021. Pointing, rainbows, and the archaeology of mind. Anthropos 116.1:145-161.
2021. Counting in the Admiralty Islands. LLM 39:19-55.
2021. Three puzzles for phonological theory in Philippine minority languages. OL 60:474-484 (with Jason Lobel and Erik Thomas).
2021. Some remarks on etymological opacity in Austronesian languages. In Nala Lee, Thiago Chacon and Wilson da Silva, eds. FS for LC.
to appear. Linguistic approaches to Austronesian culture history. Ms., 25pp.
to appear in a volume edited by K.A. Adelaar and Antoinette Schapper.
to appear. Formosan languages and the Proto-Austronesian lexicon. Ms., 30 pp. to appear in the forthcoming Handbook of Formosan languages, ed. by Elizabeth Zeitoun, Paul J-K Li, and Rik de Busser.
to appear. The phonological systems of Formosan languages in Austronesian perspective. Ms., 27pp. To appear in the forthcoming Handbook of Formosan languages, ed. by Elizabeth Zeitoun, Paul J-K. Li, and Rik de Busser.
to appear. The Neogrammarian hypothesis and pandemic irregularity: take two. Ms., 23 pp., Journal of Historical Linguistics.
to appear. The myth of the Rainbow Serpent ‘myth’. Ms., 47 pp., to appear in Anthropos.
to appear. The challenge of semantic reconstruction: Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *guntiÅ‹ ‘scissors?’. Oceanic Linguistics. Ms., 8pp.
to appear. *b > -k-: A Berawan sound change for the ages. To appear in the proceedings of the session on phonological oddities in the 50th Poznán Linguistics Meeting (PLM2021). Ms., 20pp.
to appear. Proto-Philippine addenda: theory, method and data. Ms., 82 pp., OL.
to appear. Rare but real: native nasal clusters in Northern Philippine languages. Ms., 64pp., OL.
to appear. Tylor strikes back: the dragon as survival. Ms., 18pp., Anthropos.
to appear. Syllable sensitivity in Austronesian sound change. Ms., 27pp. Journal of Historical Linguistics.
to appear. Repair and drift in Austronesian languages: Avoidance of dissimilar labials as the onsets of successive syllables. Ms., 21pp. OL.